Our Outstanding Achieve Team

We are immensely proud of the work of our Achieve Team this term. The pupils have truly excelled in their ability to share and communicate their ideas and develop them into tangible projects that have benefitted our school community.

During this time the pupils have continued to strengthen and develop their literacy and numeracy whilst learning a host of new skills such as learning to play musical instruments, mastering the skills of practical woodworking in our technical workshops, and increasing their digital skills through Business Education. The pupils have flourished as a team to make a number of products including cakes, kites and photo frames. They have dedicated time to our Beekeeping project where they have been tending to the Beehives and have designed and made signs to guide visitors. They have planted and cared for a large number of plants and flowers in our allotment and school courtyard which will make a beautiful area for pupils and staff to enjoy in the Summer months. The pupils also enjoyed a trip to Troon beach where they took part in a water sampling experiment as part of our wider sustainability goals. We were delighted that the team were able to share their baking talents by holding a bake sale which raised £66. This sum will be donated to a charity chosen by the pupils.

Finally, the pupils hosted a tea part for members of staff, where they were able to showcase all of their hard work and delivered presentations on the many skills they have developed through their Achieve Team. We have been truly inspired by the ambition and passion the Achieve Team has shown for the many projects they have worked on this term and we are excited to see what they will ‘achieve’ next year! Well done to all!

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