Wednesday Reflection

Mid-week Reflection

2nd February 2022 

I don’t suppose any of us remembers the day of our baptism….unless, of course, we were baptised as adults.  That, however, was a day of great joy and excitement for your parents.  Imagine if, on that day, the priest had turned to your mother and said, “This child is going to be hated in adult life and will cause you great sorrow.” That moment of joy would suddenly turn sour.  When Joseph and Mary presented Jesus in the Temple they probably did not expect to be told of the horrid events that would lead to the end of His earthly life.  But Simeon says to Mary, “This child is destined to be a sign of contradiction—and you yourself, a sword will pierce.” Joseph and Mary are handing over the child in their care to God the Father. That’s what your parents did on the day they carried you to the baptismal font.  You are a child of God, from the day you were conceived all the way to the day when God will call you from this world. You are  entrusted to your parents that they might prepare you to live good and fulfilled lives. The priests and teachers share in that vocation, for a vocation, it truly is.  As parents and as those entrusted with your formation, we do well to call on the intercession of St Joseph, Our Blessed Lady and all our Guardian Angels to help us put that vocation into effect.

Monsignor Monaghan

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