Head Teacher
Congratulations and Best Wishes
Mr. Gerry O’Neil was successful at interview for the post of Head Teacher of Saint Ninian’s High School and will take up post on Wednesday 5th January, 2022.
We wish Gerry healthy, happiness and fulfilment in his new post.
Gerry comes with a strong knowledge and understanding of Saint Ninian’s High School having served as an excellent Depute Headteacher over a number of years and as a first class teacher of Mathematics. He is currently HT of St. Andrew’s Secondary School, Glasgow.
I am delighted for Gerry and remember with deep gratitude and warmth his support, loyalty, and friendship and for his passion and dedication as a teacher and DHT. I am delighted that ERC have appointed an excellent person to take on the responsibility of being Head Teacher.
Truly Floreat Iuventus for our school community
Kind regards
John Docherty