Midweek Reflection

8th September 2021 

Today is the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady.  It’s a good day to pray for the appointment of the next Archbishop of Glasgow as it was on that day in 2012 that Archbishop Tartaglia was translated from Paisley to Glasgow.  The longer form of today’s Gospel presents the genealogy of Jesus through Joseph to illustrate that he descended from David. The Son of David as he is frequently called in the New Testament.  In doing so, as  Bishop Barron, in one of his videos, demonstrates, quite a number of ne’er-do-wells appear in the list; nevertheless, they are a people who never forgot their destiny.

So, the bishop tells us, Jesus wanted them to be there.  It was their longing, their dream, that a Son of David would lead them to the glory which they believed was theirs by right.  But then the Gospel changes direction and we hear how Jesus came to be born….of Mary.  God chose to become involved in our lives through Christ Jesus, who entered our world through the life of Mary. The Mother of Christ.  The Mother of the Church.  The Mother of Divine Grace.  The Mother most pure.  The Mother most chaste.  The Mother inviolate.  The Mother undefiled.  The Mother immaculate.  The Mother most amiable. The Mother most admirable.  The Mother of good counsel.  The Mother of our Creator. The Mother of our Saviour.

For us to live the Gospel means living like Mary:  listening for God’s voice every day, letting his Will for our lives sink into our hearts, and carrying out that will with the love of our own human hearts.

Monsignor Monaghan

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