Pupil Achievement

Congratulations  to Sanjith Madhavan, 2a5 who hase secured the 10th Place in the UK Delancey Chess Championship.

This is one of the prestigious national chess championship conducted every year.

This involved multiple qualifying rounds from a shortlisting final of 30+ candidates from nearly 7000 young people who participated in his category. (overall there were 30000 young people who participated across multiple age groups).

Refer the links below to know about the tournament and the results of the game.


Final U14 Standings

Sanjith is the only boy from Scotland to secure the top 10 place in his category.

Sanjith had been representing Scotland Team in various National and International Chess Tournaments over the last 3 years in Under 12 and Under 14 age groups.  He has been the Scottish Junior Chess Champion in his age category each year for the past 3 years.

An outstanding achievement, well done!

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