The gift of Wisdom

Just a wee quick thought for this Sunday – The Gospel gives us some images which helps us grasp something of the wonder of the Kingdom of God – the merchant looking for fine pearls, and when he finds one of great value, he goes back sells everything he has and buys it! The greatest treasure we have is the gift of our faith – a faith which has been handed down from our families – or something God has instil in us – but do we recognise it as one of the most precise gifts God has given us? With this virus it is a great opportunity to see and value and cherish what we have in faith. Keep nourishing your faith and don’t be afraid to share it with others!!

Then we hear in the first reading from the book of Kings – The Lord says to Solomon in a dream – ask whatever you like and I will give it to you – anything – he didn’t ask for power, nor money, nor position. No nothing like that! He says – I’ve watched my Father and seen how powerfully skilled in leadership he is, so can I get a heart to understand how to discern between good and bad. That is all he asks for – he is aware of the role he is going to undertake and so the Lord responds, but he actually responds immediately to give him a heart wise and shrewd as none before or none after! That a response from Solomon and indeed what a gracious response from the Lord.

Can we be that selfless?

Can we be that thoughtful to think of others before ourselves?

In the early Church and today, this is seen as the work of the people of God, the baptised: to pray for the world and the needs of others. Then we go beyond ourselves and our own interests, reaching out and opening up, rather than being closed in on ourselves. Let us pray for a heart like King Solomon – so whatever role we undertake in life, God will give us a heart to understand how to discern between good and bad.

I hope you take time to relax during these summer days

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