Weekly Prayers

Monday 21 January 2019.

 Today is the Feast of St Agnes who was martyred at the start of the Fourth Century and who sacrificed her life rather than submit to losing her chastity. On her Feast Day, the Pope blesses several lambs whose wool is then used to make the pallium which is a special cloak or scarf worn by certain archbishops and is a sign of their position.

Today, we pray for all those who are called by God. We remember those who will follow God as some cost or sacrifice. We pray for our priests and bishops that they will continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit as they lead us in faith.

Hail Mary…

Tuesday 22 January 2019.

 The theme for our prayer this morning is Vocations especially the vocation to the priesthood. In areas where there is a shortage of priests, the people are not able to attend Mass and take part in the Eucharist – yet the Eucharist is the centre of our faith. Let us pray for Vocations and for those whom God is calling to the priesthood or religious life.

Please come along to our Holy Hour for Vocations which will take place at 7.00pm this evening.

Almighty and eternal God,
in your unfailing love you provide
ministers for your Church.
We pray for those whom you call
to serve our Church as priests.
Inspire in them a generous response.
Grant them courage and vision to
serve your people
May their lives and service call your
people to respond to the presence
of your Spirit among us
that, faithful to the Gospel and
hope of Jesus the Christ, we may:
announce glad tidings to the poor
proclaim liberty to captives,
set prisoners free and renew the face of the earth.

Hail Mary…..

Wednesday 23 January 2019.

 The S4 Prelims are now well under way.  These are the first set of formal examinations these pupils have attempted. Sometimes the pressure of a looming exam can seem overwhelming. It may be that the test is the culmination of a year (or even more) of study. In such circumstances it can feel like what you are about write will decide the outcome of the next chapter of your life.

We pray that those sitting examinations in the coming days, weeks and months never lose perspective on life and always trust in the Lord.

Hail Mary, …

Thursday 24 January 2019

 In our lives today we all have certain rights but with these come responsibilities. For us as people of faith comes the responsibility to care for others. If we look out for each other we will make our world a loving and caring place. However, we will also be living our faith. In this way, fulfilling God’s wish for us we will find true happiness and contentment.

God our Father, with the gifts you have given to us, we have the responsibility and duty to use them wisely to treat others in a loving and caring manner.

Hail Mary……

Friday 25 January 2019.

 Today we pray for all places where the Church suffers persecution and for all who face death, danger, or isolation for their faith. Pray especially for all who live where the Church is accepted and thrives in peace, that this peace willnot make their faithweak.

Hail Mary……..

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