Health and Wellbeing – Extra Curricular Opportunities


In St Ninian’s High School we place a huge emphasis on Health and Wellbeing and recognise the close link between Physical Activity and Positive Mental Health. On Wednesday 22 August S1 pupils attended our annual Extra-Curricular Fayre. Pupils were given the opportunity to sign up for the various Extra-Curricular clubs/teams on offer.

This year we launched our ‘Extra-Curricular Loyalty Card’ at the Fayre. All S1 pupils have been given a loyalty card that they should bring with them to every club they attend. Each time a pupil attends a club they will receive an attendance sticker. After a pupil has achieved 20 stickers they can enter their loyalty card into a prize draw. This initiative is aimed at encouraging pupils to attend Extra-Curricular clubs and be recognised for their dedication and commitment.

In addition, pupils were also given the chance to sign up to our ‘Talented Athletes’ programme. Talented Athletes are pupils who compete at a Regional, National or International level within their sport. Pupils will have their photo displayed in school and also have the opportunity to meet with professional Athletes throughout the year. This programme is aimed at encouraging pupils to maintain their commitment to sport whilst maintaining their academic studies.

All Extra-Curricular sports clubs will begin on Monday 27 August.


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