New Session Starts – Wednesday 15 August 2018

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all our pupils back on Wednesday 15 August.  The school day begins at 8.42am and pupils should arrive in good time.

S5 and S6 Pupils

Will be able to collect their new timetables from the Street Area from 8:25am.

S2, S3 and S4 Pupils

Should follow timetable issued in June.  If a new timetable is required please see your Pastoral Support Teacher before school, at interval or lunch.

New S1 Pupils

Pupils should arrive in good time and sit down in the Forum area where we will celebrate Mass for the Feast of the Assumption.

Following this, pupils will be given their timetable, ICT User Agreement, Scottish Candidate Number and PIN for the school cafeteria, ParentPay Activation Letter (for payment of school meals and school trips) and National Entitlement Card.

Each class will have S6 guides taking them from class to class and they will be given extra time at lunch.  This helps in the organisation of the lunch queues and supervision in the cafeteria. It also allows S1 pupils to familiarise themselves with lunchtime procedures.

For lunch pupils can bring a small amount of cash and put this onto their school cafeteria account using the PIN issued to them.  However, due to the volume of pupils we strongly advise that they bring a packed lunch on the first day. Parents / carers can then activate their ParentPay accounts so that pupils are not required to bring any money to school for lunch.

All pupils will have Physical Education, and will therefore require kit, for the first time on Friday 17 August.

If your son or daughter takes any type of medication please complete and hand in the attached form with medicine (clearly labelled) to the St Ninian’s High School office prior to him or her starting.

Administration of Medicines 2018-19

The finish time on a Wednesday is 2.40pm.

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