Head Girl Eva Marie Curran Awarded Saint Ninian’s Medal

Congratulations to Head Girl Eva Marie Curran who was awarded the Saint Ninian’s medal by the Head Teacher and Monsignor Monaghan for her truly outstanding contribution to the school.

This year Eva Marie represented our school in the following events in East Renfrewshire:

  • Remembrance Day
  • Holocaust Memorial Event which was held in our school
  • Awarded ERC Convenor’s Award for Outstanding Achievement

In our school Eva Marie has:

  • Organised the Talent Show
  • Acted as judge at our Youth Philanthropy Initiative
  • Compered at Christmas and Spring Music Concerts
  • Presented at both our S1 Choice Information Evening and P7 Information Evening
  • Organised student leaders and guides for our Primary Transition programme
  • Visited and presented in associated Primary Schools for Primary 7 Transition activities
  • Organised S6 pupils and staff to take part in the ‘Off the Beatson Track’ charity walk
  • Has acted as a guide to new parents and their children coming from other schools, relocating to East Renfrewshire from other parts of Scotland, the UK and the world.
  • Has performed this same role for teachers on school visits prior to interview.
  • Leading organisation of Prom and Graduation
  • Writing and producing Yearbook
  • Organising events such as Halloween Disco and Talent Show

As part of the Faith Life in our school Eva Marie has:

  • Spoke to the congregation at St Cadoc’s Parish for Catholic Education Week and the Centenary of the Catholic Education Act
  • Participated in our Eucharistic Ministry
  • Read at Holy Mass
  • Undertook the Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Award
  • Undertook Caritas visits to our Associated Primary schools
  • Participated in our Catholic Leadership Programme
  • Participated in the Diocese of Paisley Faith Forum
  • Participated in the Aid to the Church in Need Rally
  • Spoke at the Bishop’s Breakfast
  • Senior of Life Group who organise charity fundraising activities such as the Afternoon Tea for Life

Eva Marie has been a truly exceptional Head Girl and ambassador for St Ninian’s High School and East Renfrewshire. She has accepted an unconditional offer to study Law at the University of Strathclyde and we wish her every best wish for the future.

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