3rd Annual Health and Wellbeing Lecture – Thursday 2 November

We are delighted to announce that Rose Marie Parr (Scotland’s Chief Pharmaceutical Officer) and Dr Gayle Davis (Senior Lecturer in the History of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh), are Keynote Speakers at our 3rd annual Health and Wellbeing lecture on Thursday 2 November at 7pm.

Rose Marie Parr will discuss why she embarked on a career in Pharmacy as well as topical issues in her field that will benefit our students.

Dr Gayle Davis will discuss the path that led her to specialise in the history of medicine, the sorts of things that historians of medicine (and others in the wider field of the ‘medical humanities’) do, why it’s a worthwhile exercise to look backwards as well as forwards when we consider health, disease and its treatment, and how that might benefit both patients and the people who treat them.

The format of the evening will be similar to the highly acclaimed ‘TED Talks’ and Rose Marie and Gayle will answer questions from the audience at the end of their talks.

This event is open to all pupils and parents and it may be of particular interest and relevance to pupils who may be considering a career in science and health related fields.

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