S6 Service 2016-17

There is a long and strong tradition of Service at St Ninian’s High School, stemming from our belief that we are called by Christ to serve others.   In this academic year over 200 of our S6 pupils have participated in the S6 Service Programme.

The S6 Service Programme, organised by Miss Milne, enables our young people to:

  • Reflect upon their vocation and reach out in love to others
  • Develop their leadership, teamwork and communication skills
  • Act as excellent role models to younger pupils
  • Become ambassadors for St Ninian’s in the local community

Our pupils have volunteered significant amounts of time within and outwith school to help others in so many ways.  This has included:

  • Supporting pupils in St Ninian’s through Buddying, Mentoring, Tutoring and Extra-Curricular Sports Clubs
  • Associated Primary Schools and Isobel Mair School
  • Age Concern Eastwood Dementia Project
  • Eastwood Residential Care Home
  • Glenwood Nursery
  • Local Charity Shops
  • Wayside Club

Here are a selection of quotes from our S6 pupils on their experience:

  • This gave me confidence in my own ability to talk to large groups of people.  It helped me speak more clearly and concisely.
  • I have enjoyed watching the pupil improve their confidence in Maths on a weekly basis. I have also enjoyed helping her in general with anything else she was unsure about.  It is satisfying to know that I have helped her.
  • I enjoyed engaging with people at the charity shop and working with others.
  • In the care home, I could see that some of the elderly people were lonely and I loved seeing how animated they would get when they had a conversation with me.




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