Fishing Club
Jaarad Ali, Danyaal Amjid, Conor Gallacher, Harry Kenny, Sterling Lam, Darragh Maginnis and Jamie O’Neill have throughout the year been receiving training in Angling Techniques some of the highlights are that we received life like fish pillows from GABY a company in Poland which aided the boys with fish identification.
Harry Kenny completed a booklet on how to fish.
Darragh Maginnis was the first individual in youth sea fishing to win both east and west coast championships. Further, he is now the captain of the youth sea fishing team to represent Scotland in Norfolk later this year. Finally and the most enjoyable part of the day the boys on the 14/06/2016 attended at Arranview Fishery, Ayrshire, where they had a great day out. They caught 2 fish and returned 7 fish to the water. Mr Knight their coach would like to thank all the boys for their efforts and looks forward to the sports awards where Danyaal, Harry, Sterling and Jamie will be presented with their bronze pins and certificates. Jaarad, Conor and Darragh will be presented with their silver pins and certificates.
Well done boys and keep on angling for success.