Cyrenians Conflict Resolution Presentation

We were very happy to welcome the speaker from the Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution   who gave a presentation to our S3 pupils which focussed on conflict resolution within relationships.

Our aim in St Ninian’s High School is to develop the young person fully in every aspect of their personal development. As part of their Health and Wellbeing curriculum we welcome speakers who are able to impart valuable information to young people about life skills and how to apply appropriate strategies to make informed decisions and choices in their life.

This presentation was excellent and encouraged pupils to consider their relationships whether they are in the family unit or with their peers. Duncan gave a thought provoking and very worthwhile talk on how young people might manage conflict in a more productive and less explosive way. He encouraged the pupils to consider more positive ways of dealing with difficult situations in the family and coping skills and techniques to use if anger or stress get in the way of moving forward. We feel this presentation is very important to develop resilience in young people and in our view this was a very effective presentation for the pupils to take part in. They enjoyed the interactive questioning and will have gained a better understanding of how they might handle conflict the next time they encounter it in their lives. We will direct our pupils to access resources  and to try the free online quiz on the SCCR’s website.

We wish to thank Duncan for a valuable addition to our PSHE programme for our pupils.

Mrs McCrea.

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