Excellence Awards


Mr Docherty held an awards ceremony today, to acknowledge the outstanding achievement of our young people within Sport and Expressive Arts.

These awards were given to pupils for their talent, commitment, hard work and also their dedication to the wider life of the school.

The following pupils received awards:

Excellence in Sport

Aimie Springett

Julie MacDonald

Marianne MacDonald

Erin Ryan

Niamh McBride

Amy Donaghy

Jade Baillie

Felix Loffler

Paul Kennedy

Alexander MacDonald

Thomas Ward

Olivia Burke

Luke Halpin

Excellence in Music

Juliette Murphy

Laura Docherty

Paul Docherty

Caterina Lue

Excellence in Art

Julia Johnstone

Caitlyn Martin

Carmen Garcia-Ferres

Asma Sarguro

Caterina Lue

To view photos from the awards ceremony click here.

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