November Observances

‘We loved them in life, let us not forget them in death.’  St Ambrose.

The Month of November is highlighted as a time to pray for the dead and in particular those close friends and relatives who we have loved. As in previous years, there will be a Service of Remembrance at 12.25pm in our Oratory on Thursday 19 November 2015.

During this Service, members of our school community, staff and pupils, parents, relatives and friends, will be given the opportunity to light a candle in memory of  friends /relatives who have died within the past twelve months.

This Service is open to all regardless of faith.

Pupils will be informed about the Service of Remembrance through their RE teacher. There will also be services for RE classes during November.

Any parent or relative or friend of the family who would like to attend is more than welcome to do so.

Pupils should inform their parents about the Service and it will be highlighted on our webpage and through our twitter feed.

We will also contact our local Parishes to invite members of the parishes with links to the school to attend if they so wish.

In order to ensure that we do not miss anyone from this Service, you are asked to provide the name of your deceased relative(s) or friend(s) by Monday 16 November 2015. This is separate from the November Lists.

November Lists are a long standing tradition in the Catholic Church. Following the Biblical and Church Tradition, we pray for our deceased that they may find eternal rest with God.

Each member of the school – staff and pupils- will be given a November List to complete. If you have not received a list you can collect one from The Office, RE Department or Mr. Cumming. Completed lists will be placed in a basket before the altar in the Oratory and those on the lists will be remembered in our Masses and Services throughout November. Completed lists can be given to The Office, RE Department, Mr. Cumming or placed in the basket in The Oratory.

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