Extra-Curricular Programme 2015-16

In St Ninian’s High School we know that friendships that last a lifetime are born on the football field, rehearsing for the school show or celebrating Mass together.  Taking part in extra-curricular activities can also help our young people develop confidence and commitment as well as the skills that they learn.

St Ninian’s provides a first class extra-curricular programme which offers a wide variety of opportunities in areas such as faith, sport, music,  science, languages and volunteering.

In St Ninian’s there is also a culture of promoting leadership in all aspects of school life; often, older pupils leading younger pupils in various activities.  This in turn gives our younger students aspirations to become leaders themselves. Very often pupils’ first experience of leadership is through clubs and trips and these skills will be enhanced and developed throughout their school career.

These opportunities promote the development of the whole child and give our pupils the broadest education possible.

Please see our programme below for this session.

Extra Curricular Programme 2015-16

New clubs often start throughout the year so keep checking the website and the school Twitter (www.twitter.com/stninianshigh).

Any updates or amendments will be notified on the school website.

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