Hanban 2015 Summer Camp

During the summer holiday this year Mark Rae and Callum Holland (both S4) were given then wonderful opportunity of visiting China.

Hanban Trip 2015

The boys provided the following feedback on their adventure:

“During the Summer Holidays, we had the great experience of going to Beijing and Xi’an. It was great fun and we saw so many famous monuments such as the Terracotta Warriors, the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. It was also of great educational value as we had the opportunity to expand our spoken Chinese, and connect with locals. We also made friends from all around the world. There were pupils from France, Portugal, Germany, Canada, USA, Belarus, and England. We fully embraced Chinese culture as we experienced the local cuisine of Shaanxi Province, and of Beijing.
We also embraced the non-material heritage of the Chinese culture as we went to the Chang’an impression show.
We are both very grateful for this marvellous opportunity which has resulted from studying Mandarin in school and completing the HSK test. We would love to pass on this experience and share the chance with other students that they too can go to China.
We would love to return next year.”

Photographs taken on the trip can be viewed here.

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