Saint Joseph’s Breakfast and The Table of St Joseph.

To mark the Feast of St Joseph which is Saturday 19 March, we will host our St Joseph’s Breakfast at 8.00am on Friday 18 March 2022. The input before Mass will be given by Danny Sweeney of Justice and Peace Scotland on the topic of ‘Asylum Seekers and Refugees – The Effects on Families’.

The event will begin at 8.00am with the Prayer of St Joseph followed by our input. At 8.25am we will celebrate Mass with Canon Baillie. After Mass visitors are invited to join together for breakfast.

As in previous years, we will have our Table of St Joseph which is a Sicilian Tradition. All attending are invited to bring with them some food or a donation and place them on the Table of St Joseph. Whatever is donated will be shared with Asylum Seekers or Refugees who are in need.

All pupils, staff, families and parishioners are invited to our St Joseph’s Breakfast.


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