Wednesday Reflection

Midweek Reflection

1st September 2021

 Pope Francis has established today as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, encouraging the Catholic community around the world to pray for our common home and, in fact, to keep this intention in our prayers  up to the 4th October which is, of course, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi.

In his Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, the Pope calls on “every person living on this planet” to care for our shared Earth.” We are, after all, stewards of creation and God gave us dominion over all the earth. So the Pope encourages us to thank God for the wonderful world which he has entrusted to our care.

However we should always remember that we are not alone and should implore His help for the protection of creation. We should also ask His pardon for the sins committed against the world in which we live.  Find a quiet moment in your own garden or go for a walk in the park or along the seashore and just wallow in the peace and beauty.

This year, for the first time in my life, I planted some sunflower seeds.  They were tiny seeds and yet, with light and water they grew into splendid specimens. I also have a box and some pots in which I grew herbs.  Planting things like that are great for children because they grow quickly and demonstrate to them, the power of a seed. They might then understand what St James meant when he wrote, “Those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.” (James 3:18)

Monsignor Monaghan

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