Mid-week Reflection

 9th June 2021

 There is that proverb that little children should be seen and not heard.  It always strikes me as a nasty thing to say and horrific that an adult should think it a fitting thing to say.  A few years ago I turned up for a meeting and in the car park, to my chagrin,  was told that I had no right to be there but while I would be allowed to be present I would not be allowed to speak.  I remember thinking that it was not only children who should be seen and not heard.  I got in my car and drove back home!

I love listening to the innocence of primary school children and to the wisdom, and sometimes staggering intelligence, of the secondary school students.  In today’s Gospel passage Jesus strictly directs His disciples to integrity in their lives.  There must be integrity between, what they practice and what they preach.  As educators, we should never say that other horrid proverb, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say.”  Our actions should speak as loud as our words.  If we do, the reward is great.

Jesus says, “whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”  A good custom before going to sleep is to examine our conscience. Have we put into practice the integrity Jesus has asked of us?   Have we taught others by our  words and by our actions?

Monsignor Monaghan

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