Mid-week Reflection

 21st April 2021

When I was parish priest in St Cadoc’s, Sean, for many years very carefully and prayerfully instructed those desiring to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.  Being a Third Order Franciscan he loved quoting St. Francis of Assisi who said, “Preach always, and use words if necessary.”  That is to say, you can preach the Gospel without opening your mouth!.  I know of a few priests who by the gentleness and holiness of their lives, rather than by their skill at preaching, win souls to Christ.  We don’t need to say anything when we forgive someone who has wronged or hurt us. Jesus, by his Death on the Cross taught us this example.  Mother Teresa said very little as she picked up the poor and destitute people in the gutters of Calcutta. Jesus did not seek an apology.  Mother did not seek praise.

Can we ever imagine doing good without demanding an apology or seeking some human recognition?  Our silence may even result in us being mocked or scorned. That’s what happened to Jesus. When as children we were naughty or disobedient, my mother’s silence was a more tortuous reprimand than any scolding words! A baby does not speak.  The baby has no words to say.  Yet the baby is the recipient of joy and love.  As educators we need to speak.  Words are our tools.  But sometimes, tools are better left aside.

Monsignor Monaghan

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