NHS Testing Advice

Close Contacts – Testing

We have been advised by the NHS that as of the 18th February 2021, all identified close contacts should also now look to book a test regardless of whether they have symptoms or not.

As you’ll know, previously it had only been those individuals who displayed symptoms who were asked to book a test, however, this has now been extended to include all individuals who have been identified as a close contact of a positive case.  For example, this would include all pupils and members of staff who are required to self-isolate when identified as a close contact of a positive case in school or nursery.  The NHS letter used in these circumstances (Letter B) has been updated to include this information and will be used for any cases from now on.

Regardless of whether this test results in a positive or negative result, the individuals identified as close contacts will still be required to self-isolate for the 10 day period required and will not be allowed to return to school or nursery before the completion of this isolation.

Further information on this change is available here – https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-test-and-protect/pages/close-contact-testing/

At Home Testing

Thank you again for your efforts in ensuring that staff and pupils have been able to access the offer of testing prior to returning next week.  Please ensure that all staff are reminded of the importance of testing at appropriate times across the week, for example on a Sunday prior to coming in to school and then mid week to ensure there is a balance of tests across the week.  This will also help manage any requirements to contact trace as a result of positive test results.

As you will know, where an individual receives a positive result using the at home kit (LFD test), they will be required to book a confirmatory test at a test site (PCR test).  In the event of the result changing, we are finalising arrangements with the NHS to ensure that the response is managed appropriately.  I will supply further information on this once it becomes available.  If there are any enquiries in the meantime or issues arising from this then please let me know directly.

Letter from Professor Jason Leitch

JL letter – 18 February

Although not targeted at Secondary, knowing that many of our families have children at primary / nursery I though you would find it of value. The letter provided by Professor Jason Leitch  outlines some of the mitigations in place and the support families can provide to reducing the risks of transmission.

Kind regards

John Docherty

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