Legal Careers Event Invitation

The University of Strathclyde Law Society is hosting a series of speakers of the coming weeks. These are designed to showcase the careers available to students studying law. Many of our committee members left school to begin studying law at university without a full understanding of the careers open to them upon completion of their studies. Therefore, we would like to invite your students to our events to understand what a potential career in law could mean for them.

We understand it may seem a little daunting to attend a university event while still at school, however, we think it would be great for your students to discover the possibilities that a career within the law holds, prior to committing to their studies. There is no obligation for them to turn cameras/microphones on or participate in any way, additionally the event will not be recorded. Broadly, we think it would be an interesting opportunity for students to hear from those that are established within the legal field and hear of their real experiences, unlike a university open day or generic careers session.

The first of our events is taking place on Wednesday 24th of February at 6pm. Titled, ‘What can I do with my Law Degree?’, your students will have the opportunity to hear from four established professionals within the legal field. Our guests will discuss the path to their career, as well as answer questions.

We look forward to welcoming:

  • Sheriff Tony Kelly
  • Matthew McGovern
  • Fiona Armour
  • Catherine Dyer CBE

We ask that your students register their interest using the following link –


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