Faith In the Home

Dear Parents/Carers

Lent 2021 begins on Ash Wednesday, 17th February

Ash Wednesday Liturgy for Celebration at Home

Living in Faith with Covid Newsletter

Stations of the Cross

Some resources to support you on Ash Wednesday and during Lent.

Let us remember each other in prayer and pray too for our school and parish communities that we may grow in our trust in God and deepen our prayer life as we journey together throughout these sacred weeks of Lent. As we start our Lenten journey, we ask Jesus to redeem us from our selfishness and to fill our hearts and our intentions with his values of compassion and love.

The redemptive dimension of our faith was acknowledged by the then Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) in a Q&A session after the 1988 Fisher Lecture in Cambridge. When praying to God for healing, he was asked, does God answer that prayer extrinsically – or does He work through the agency of doctors and medical staff? Acknowledging the complexity of the question, Cardinal Ratzinger simply said: “God works in the world by ‘causing’ love.” That’s the role of religion: to ‘cause’ love.

Let us pray for a speedy end to this pandemic, for all who are sick and those who have died.  Let us pray for our young people during these very uncertain times. Let us pray too for the spread of the Gospel and for the just world structures Pope Francis is calling for, so that our faith will truly ‘cause love’ in our world today.

The RE Department will be posting links via twitter to support our young people, staff, and parents during Lent

My thanks to staff for their support and to our parents for your support in teaching and witnessing to the ways of faith and love.

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