The S1 Maths Workshops

The S1 Maths Workshop is a highlight of the school calendar for Maths staff and is always extremely well received by parents who attend. Unfortunately due to current restrictions we are unable to hold the workshop as normal in the school. The Mathematics Department have therefore created a short video recording of the material usually covered in the workshop to inform parents of the methodology used in class and to help support parents when helping their children with algebra homework. There will be second part of the video in due course and we hope to follow this up with further videos to support home learning in Mathematics.

 The video can be viewed on your own or together with your child to promote discussion and aims to build your confidence. Please feel free to pause, try the questions or simply watch along to gain insight into how your child will be taught their current S1 topic.

 If you have any questions or comments please direct them to Mrs Gorman (PT Mathematics and Numeracy) who will be happy to get back to you.

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