Mid-week Reflection

21st October 2020

I imagine that even if we have a position of influence, most of us would not consider ourselves all that important in the scheme of things.  However, that is not what Jesus thinks!  The message of the Gospel is that each of us has a significance and importance in the eyes of God. Recently, I mentioned to some 6th years students that God doesn’t love us because we are good.  God loves us because He is good. He doesn’t need us yet we belong to him.  Think of a beautiful mosaic.  If one small tile is broken or missing, your eyes are drawn to that spot.  The damaged finger of a statue is frustrating. The missing thread spoils the completeness of a magnificent tapestry. God sent His Son  to give His very life for each one of us, even if, and maybe especially if, I think I am a damaged finger, a broken tile or a missing thread.  I am important.  I am part of God’s picture.  Since humility is the foundation of prayer, it is an act of humility, and not of pride, to acknowledge and rejoice in such exaltation.  The Blessed Virgin Mary, when she prayed her Magnificat, knew this.  So should we.

Let us Pray:

O God, who looks with compassion on the humble and contrite of heart; in your goodness, turn our hearts to you and help us to do what we know to be right. Grant that we may love you and one another with pure hearts and imitate the humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Monsignor Monaghan

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