Today’s readings remind us that the Christian way is not an easy one. Suffering is part of it. We come to acknowledge that God is honoured by the way we live each day, as well as by our worship in this Eucharistic celebration.


Jeremiah 20:7-9 The prophet Jeremiah talks about the difficulties preaching the word brought to him.  He says he became a laughing stock.

Romans 12:1-2 St. Paul tells us we must offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God.

Matthew 16:21-27 Jesus warns of the suffering’s discipleship will involve.

What would an advertisement for Christianity look like? If you had to design an ad to sum up your faith, what would it include? On the one hand we are called to be joyful – to sing, shout, clap our hands and rejoice! But faith is not always so straightforward. There are many obstacles and temptations, and sometimes we are afraid to stand up for what we believe in. And then there’s today’s Gospel, which speaks of suffering, and tells us that following Jesus involves taking up our cross. How do we make sense of all this in the context of our faith journey?

The Good News is that we are not alone in our struggles. In today’s First Reading, Jeremiah struggles with his faith in one of his many ‘laments’. His faith has caused him to be the laughing stock. He feels conflicted; although his faith is inviting insult and derision, it is also a fire burning in our heart. In spite of people’s hostile reactions, he has been ‘seduced’ by God, and cannot but speak out.

Is this how we feel about our faith? Is it like a fire burning within us, in our very bones, or are we lukewarm in our commitment? Following Jesus is a radical choice – please don’t be under any illusions! –  now more than ever perhaps. Today’s readings teach us to be less concerned with what people think, and more concerned with living according to Jesus’ teachings – however other may react.

May God bless you, your families and the gift of faith that burns within you – whether you are experiencing moments of consolation or desolation, God is still present! I hope you always feel his presence today and, in the week, ahead.

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