June dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Way of the Heart 

Our mission is to offer our life to the mission of Jesus Christ that is presented to us in the challenges of humanity and the mission of the Church that the Pope gives us every month in his prayer intentions. These challenges are realities of our time, which need to be addressed by prayer and action, and that call us to give our lives as disciples and apostles in the style of Jesus. The Way of the Heart is the key to interpreting our mission.

The Way of the Heart is an invitation to undertake a spiritual journey to prepare our hearts to collaborate with Jesus Christ’s mission of compassion for the world, entering into the heart of the world. It is our own way to enter into the dynamics of Jesus’ compassionate Heart. The Lord has become human in our midst and, since his death and resurrection, continues work among us.

This is why we understand that family, work, hobbies, friends, studies, nature, art and science, etc., all can be realities where we meet the Lord.

The journey of The Way of the Heart helps us to align our whole lives with that of Jesus Christ, so that his gestures may be ours. It is the way to enter into the spiritual dynamics of recreation, and so is a deepening of the spiritual tradition of the Apostolate of Prayer for today.

Living the Way of the Heart in the light of the Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) and the Jubilee of Mercy will help us to enter more deeply into the mission of compassion for the world that we have been proposing for 175 years.

In June, the message of “The Pope Video” shares an intention full of compassion and tenderness: it asks us to pray for all those who are suffering, that they may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.
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Fr. John Cullen – Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Ireland)

We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.

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