Mid-week Reflection:

Tenth Week of Ordinary Time

This week we began to hear Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, from the fifth chapter of St. Matthew.  We find Jesus setting the framework for His teachings. He calls for us to have an integrity in our lives.  That is, between what we practice and what we preach.  When we do so, then Jesus tells us, we will be, “called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”  That’s what you might call, a good deal! In these days, after having given the morning over to home-schooling, perhaps we have the time and opportunity to notice the beauty of creation which has inspired poets, mountain climbers, biologists and physicists to see the works of creation, to ponder “where” they came from and even beyond the “how” of creation, all the way back to God.  This week past, we have been invited to acknowledge that Black Lives Matter.  And so they do.  In fact, all lives matter and perhaps there should be orderly demonstrations to affirm that Unborn Lives matter Too.  Just think of how often you have stood in awe and wonder at the sight of a new-born baby. The innocence, beauty and dignity of a single, tiny human life surely draws us closer to God.  An animal has a certain degree of intelligence, instinct and the ability to make choices.  A human being created in the image of God has an intellect and a will, allowing it to reason and make choices with the capability of self-transcendence.  A spider, a crow or a monkey can never come to an understanding or belief in redemption and sanctification. Every teacher, every pupil and every parent of St Ninian’s High School can!

Let us Pray:

True Light of the world, Lord Jesus Christ, as you enlighten all of us for our salvation, give us grace, we pray, to herald your coming by preparing the ways of justice and of peace. Through Christ our Lord.


Monsignor Monaghan

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