The Divine Dance 

We have heard our First Minister preparing us for Phase two and the easing of the lockdown, but I think I need to say that we will not be back to Mass as we used to be. The Bishop’s Conference is working hard on this to come up with a Pastoral Plan. But in the meantime our ‘Dial a Mass’ will continue. Who could have imagined our ‘Dial a Mass’ would have been so important during this period of lockdown.

As we recall the Parish vision of St Joseph’s as a Welcoming Community – Inviting, Encouraging and Supporting; all to have an ever deepening relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. We show God’s love to the world with hope and joy, so that’s what we are doing with our ‘Dial a Mass’, it is precisely that, inviting people to have a deepening relationship with Jesus and showing God’s love to the world, literally, but not just to our parish of St Joseph’s, the geographically parish. Our parish is now the country and beyond with this ‘Dial a Mass’. So it is an amazing opportunity; and to help us to do that we need you to reach out and tell others our number 0141-473-4869, especially those who are alone, lonely or feeling anxious or low. For those who have placed envelopes through the church house door. I would like to thank you for your contributions. Your generosity is appreciated. Please continue to contribute to the life of our and your Parish, where ever that maybe. Thank you

This Sunday we celebrate The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: One God, three persons united in a constant flow of love and tenderness. Over the century’s artist have made many attempts to illustrate the mystery of the Trinity, while theologians and mystics have tried to put it into words. Saint Patrick famously used the shamrock to illustrate the three persons of the Trinity. In the 12th Century, St. Bernard described the Holy Spirit as the kiss of God, and spoke of the ‘unshakeable bond’ and ‘indivisible unity’ of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Others describe the Trinity as a sort of divine dance of love.

When the new translation of the liturgy came into use, one of the terms people struggled with was ‘consubstantial with the Father’, which replaced ‘of one being with the Father’, in the Creed. In today’s Gospel Jesus describes this relationship as one of love – God loved the world so much he sent his only son. The language is simple but the concept goes much deeper.

Today’s second reading ends with a blessing we often hear at the end of Mass: ‘The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all’. What a beautiful blessing and description of the triune God. The unity and harmony of the Trinity provided us with the blueprint for our Christ lives.

June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the highest human expression of divine love and symbol of God’s mercy. We pray that those who suffer may find their way in life, touched by the Heart of Jesus. Many find comfort and solace praying the Novena, held for the 9 days leading up to the Feast of the Sacred Heart, and celebrated nineteen days after Pentecost: Thursday 11th – Friday 19th June.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are anxious, deprived of company, sick, and for those who care for them. We remember those who have died and their families who mourn their loss at this moment. We remember families, young people, friends and colleagues for whom this time can be one of loneliness and suffering.

Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and support this week. For all the kind gifts of food, wines and bottles, your generosity is boundless and appreciated. Please know that you can contact me at any time if you need support or advice on any matter. Enjoy a peaceful and restful weekend.

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