Wednesday of the 7th Week in Easter-tide.

Many of our senior students will be preparing to begin their tertiary education in our Scottish Universities and possibly even in Universities furth of Scotland. This is a good time for young men to ponder if God is calling them, after gaining their degree, to study for the Sacred Priesthood. It is also a good time for young ladies to pray for this intention and possibly to have the courage to point out to their friends that they think they could make good priests. Just imagine your reward in Heaven if you are responsible for sending a friend on the road to Priestly Ordination! We certainly benefit greatly from the culture and experiences of priests who come to labour in Scottish Dioceses from other countries. However, grateful we are to them, this should not hinder us from praying for priestly vocations from our own students. They, after all, can preach and teach, “….to their own people. There are delicate turns and expressions, the felicitous choice of words and illustrations, which a visitor from other parts, however well he may know the language, can never quite attain and yet which count so much if the appeal is to be successful.” (The Story of Pope Pius XI by Benedict Williamson Page 96.)

Let us Pray:

Lord God, we are almost at the end of Easter Time
and as we wait for the Holy Spirit to renew the
Church, we recognise that your love for us and the
world is strong. Receive our thanksgiving and praise as we enter into the mystery of the Eucharist. Through Christ our Lord.


Monsignor Monaghan

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