Resources Modern Languages

SCILT/CISS has partnered with e-Sgoil to contribute to their national offer of timetabled, live-streamed classes that will support youngsters of all ages throughout the period of school closures. 

These interactive, real-time classes are all led by experienced language educators on a secure platform.  All participants will require is access to a computer and their Glow password.

 Aimed at supporting youngsters who are about to enter new senior phase classes, the NQ courses will focus on providing an overview of the year ahead and will develop the skills required for success at each level.  Complementing what will be offered by their own schools and classroom teachers, these courses will give young people the best possible start to their new language courses under the present circumstances.  Courses are offered for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Mandarin as well as French, Spanish, German, Italian and Gaelic.

They have developed a range of classes in a variety of languages that will appeal to learners at all ages and stages of the curriculum.  Interactive, culturally rich and suitable for family learning, youngsters can explore new languages and cultures that might not be otherwise available to them.  A six week block of Mandarin classes suitable for primary schools and another six week block for youngsters in the BGE in secondary will be taught by our experienced GTCS registered teacher of Mandarin. In addition, we are also offering opportunities for youngsters to explore Gaelic, Italian and Arabic if they’d like to try something new.

Children and young people can benefit from this innovative and creative partnership.  Details of the timetable and how to register are available on the attached brochure below.


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