‘Youth Speech’ competition

Nine S3 members of the St Ninian’s Public Speaking and Debate Society (Ansa Dean, Mary Treese Biju, Natasha Cameron, Ruth Rodriguez, Ruth Edgar, Rosie O’Donnell, Sofia Chaudry, Oliver Ngouajio and Iona Carruth) had the pleasure of participating in the East Renfrewshire round of the Renfrew Speaker’s Club ‘Youth Speech’ competition last night at St Luke’s High School.

The objective of the competition is to develop self-confidence, communication skills and the art of speaking in public, and to promote and develop proficiency in the spoken word.

All teams performed exceptionally well and found the evening a great opportunity to meet like-minded public speakers, hone their skills and receive quality feedback from the judging panel. Well done especially to Ansa, Mary and Natasha who were successful in securing a place in the next round on the 20th November at Johnstone Town Hall in Renfrew. We wish the girls the very best of luck!


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