National Charity Praises St Ninian’s ‘Forward Thinking’ Work

The Anaphylaxis Campaign has praised St Ninian’s ‘forward thinking’ work which has been led by pupils, parents and staff.

Martha McMahon (1a6) and Holly Edgar (6a1) have presented at full Year Group assemblies on how to spot and treat severe allergic reactions. Their presentation can be viewed here.

Martha’s mum Paula has also led sessions for staff which have been extremely informative and very well received.

We always strive to ensure that;

  • our young people are active participants in discussions and decisions which may affect their lives and
  • staff and partners create an environment where young people feel listened to and are  secure in their ability to discuss personal and sensitive aspects of their lives because they feel cared about.

Anaphylaxis Campaign Communications Manager Mike Anscombe said:

“The Anaphylaxis Campaign have received several requests from parents in the past looking for advice and supporting materials to approach primary schools to raise awareness of allergies, but rarely for secondary school. To hear that St Ninian’s High School have engaged with not only the parents but pupils alike to run a series of presentations, shows real forward thinking. Who better to led a presentation about living with allergies and as equally important, raise awareness of the signs and symptoms, the effects and how to help in a crisis, than those who have to deal with allergies every day of their lives.

The Anaphylaxis Campaign do our best to supply inform to the education sector through campaigning and online courses, but to hear of this initiative taking place is wonderful. Feedback suggests that there has been a positive impact on the safety and confidence of pupils.  As a direct result we are extremely pleased to hear that one of the parents and a charity volunteer (Paula McMahon) has been involved in several successful awareness sessions for the staff at the school.

We applaud St Ninian’s High School and the pupil’s confidence for running these presentations and if any other schools would like to follow in their footsteps, please contact touch.”

Please see the full article on the Anaphylaxis Campaign website here.


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