S6 Graduation and Mass of Thanksgiving

Our S6 pupils were given a fitting celebration to mark the end of their time in St Ninian’s High School at the Graduation and Thanksgiving Mass on Thursday 7 June.

Father Baillie, Monsignor Monaghan, Father Whitworth, Father Hill and Father Byrne concelebrated a truly special Mass.  Wonderful music was provided by Cantor Rebekah Holmes accompanied by the school orchestra, the school choir and  further enhanced by the St Ninian’s Schola directed by Father Byrne.

Later, the audience were treated to more outstanding musical talent provided by soloists James Tavares (tuba), Laura Docherty (violin) and Matthew Devlin (piano).

Guest of Honour Monsignor Monaghan gave an insight into his own education while commenting that he still learns from his regular visits to St Ninian’s.  He spoke with great humility, gravitas and humour, “dabbing” to the Sixth Years’ delight!

Head Boy Stephen Shaw and Head Girl Eva Marie Curran spoke extremely well on behalf of their fellow Sixth Years about their experiences and thanked Head Teacher Mr Docherty, staff and parents for their support.  They presented Monsignor Monaghan with a cheque for a nominated charity.

Mrs Mhairi Shaw, Director of Education, was presented with the Saint Ninian’s Medal by Monsignor Monaghan as a token of our appreciation for her magnificent support of our school and pupils.

Finally, the Bashir family were presented with a Yearbook which contains a special tribute to Sana Bashir who sadly passed away in April 2013.

Overall it was the perfect end to what has been the perfect Year Group.

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