Summer Schools at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge

  • Every year a number of our students apply for these excellent programmes and are successful.  The programme for S5 pupils involves a 3 nights at Selwyn College where accommodation and all meals will be provided for the duration of their stay.
  • The Summer School has been designed to challenge students academically and participants will have the opportunity to choose from a range of different subjects on offer. All lectures will be delivered by academic staff at Cambridge and will be designed to give participants an insight into what it is like to study at Cambridge and other top universities. Many of the courses/degree subjects that the University of Cambridge offers will be represented and a full programme of events will be circulated nearer the time.
  • As well as academic content, museum workshops and other subject-based sessions, participants will also experience life as a Cambridge student through a variety of social activities and by meeting current undergraduates who will act as mentors. The Summer School serves as an excellent opportunity to gain an insight into studying at top universities, receive help and support on applying to competitive universities, and meet peers from all over the UK. Students will stay for two nights at Selwyn College where they will be immersed in university-style teaching, meet current undergraduates and experience life at a top university such as Cambridge.
  • Further information here.
  • Interested pupils should talk to their year group head/pastoral teacher or Mr Macdonald for further information.
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