Faith Events

Catholic Leadership and Year of Mercy Workshop led by NET Team.

Friday 15 January 2016 – 2.40pm (RE Room 3)

Caritas Gathering Point 3

Monday 18 January 2016 – 3.30pm (Oratory)

Catholic Leadership Group for all pupils involved in Faith Life of the School such as Readers at Mass; Altar Servers; Caritas Pupils; SCIAF; Helping Hands; pupils involved in Ghana and Lasallian Projects.

Tuesday 19 January 2016 – 3.30pm (Oratory)

S6 Pupils Applying for Teaching.

The Cardinal Winning Lecture  will be given by Professor Tracey Rowland on February 6 at 9.45am. With Mass at 9am in Turnbull Hall.

Professor Rowland will speak on Catholic Education offering a valuable insight into the principles of Catholic Education.

This should be a valuable event for those pupils applying for teaching especially those who intend to teach in a Catholic School.

If interested names should be given to Mr Creighton. 

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