Space School 2015


Jessica McTeague (S6) has recently returned from a trip to NASA’s Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas.  To get there Jessica had to compete with 150 other students who attended the week long residential space school, held at Strathclyde University in July 2015.  The summer school included a mix of lectures, labs and workshops all on a space theme, delivered by leading academics and researchers and supported by NASA astronauts and engineers. The event, which takes place every year, is designed to  promote careers in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths).

The top 10 students, including Jessica were selected for a 10-day Learning Journey to the USA.  During her trip Jessica was given access to many areas not normally open to the public and took part in activities hosted by NASA staff and astronauts.

Jessica has given an account of her ‘truly Texan experience’ below.

NASA Experience

More photos of her week in Houston can be found at

Space school 2016 will be open for applications from all S5 pupils in December.

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