Faith Events

This year in Saint Ninian’s High School we have developed our Career Long Professional Learning Programme to meet the needs of our staff. Two of our sessions scheduled for October focus on the Faith Life of our school and the impact on education.

We are delighted that Dr Leonardo Franchi from the University of Glasgow will lead a session called ‘Contemporary Thinking in Catholic Education’.

Date of session:  Tuesday 6th October

Time:  3.45pm

Venue:  Saint Ninian’s High School, RE Room 2

In addition to this, we are also offering a session entitled ‘The Church’s Vision of Christian Education’ which will be lead by Fr. Joe Lappin.

Date of session:  Tuesday 27th October

Time:  3.45pm

Venue:  Saint Ninian’s High School, RE Room 2

We would like to extend a warm invitation to members of our local parishes to come along and enjoy either presentation.

Update: The Parents Faith Group and Catholic Leadership Meeting scheduled for 6th October have been postponed to allow staff and parents/carers to attend the talk by Dr Franchi.

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