S1 Peer Awards

Peer Awards give pupils the opportunity to recognise their fellow pupils talents in four categories:  Successful Learner, Effective Contributor, Responsible Citizen and Confident Individual.  This morning we held special assemblies to present the awards. Congratulations to all of the winners.

Class Successful Learner Confident Individual Responsible Citizen Effective Contributor
1a1 Sally Smart
Gregor Drummond Aidan Lau
Peter Capaldi
1a2 Lucia Doyle Harry McGrenra Shaili Reetoo Abbie Darroch
1a3 Nicole Sung
Molly Enwistle
Ciara Duncan
Andrew Ward
1a4 Eman Manzar
Easham Manzar
Euan Munro
Sophie Moir
1a5 Luke Kelly
 DS Caterina Lue Stephen Gallagher
1a6 Poppy Rose Wright Lucy O’Donnell
Rhianna Isaac Olivia Burke
1a7 John Fowlie Kathleen Reilly
Laura Campbell Nuala Finnigan
1a8 Anna Paterson Hannah Bruce
Callum Holmes Anna Thomson
1a9 Javier Tejedor
Sophie Inglis Ellen Hazlett
Keir Elder
1a10 Francesca Heath Jonathan McFarlane Dominic Collins
Rebecca Miller

Photographs of our winners and runners up can be viewed here.

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