Caritas Award 2015

The Caritas Awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday 3 June in the Clyde Auditorium (4 – 7pm). The pupils who achieved the award this year are listed below:

 Leinna Ahmed  Laura Mackie
Tayyaba Ali  Julia Manini
 Fraser Cameron  Iffat Mansha
 Stuart Cannell  David Martin
 Hannah Church  Katie McLaren
 Jennifer Cumming  Marianne McPhee
 Michael Docherty  Rachel O’Donnell
 Katie Dunn  Sarah Rae
 Elise Forsyth  Caroline Reilly
 Victoria Hughes  Monica Reilly
 Alexander Hunt  Andrew Stewart
 Aisha Hussain  Emer Sweeney
 John La Combre

Well done to the pupils and Mrs Ward for their hard work.

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