Holyrood Trip

The following pupils will be attending First Minister’s Questions in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 26 March:

  • Sorcha Kennedy (5a4)
  • Aidan O’Donnell (5a5)
  • Umayrah Ali (5a4)
  • Paul O’Hara (5a1)
  • Sinead Docherty (5a4)
  • Ewan Crombie (5a6)
  • Zainab Ahmed (5a7)
  • Meryam Shuffaq (5a5)
  • Chloe Herron (5a4)
  • Simon Hughes (6a4)
  • Stephen Caulfield (6a5)
  • Courtney Melville (6a9)
  • Jamie Smith (6a10)

This is an exciting opportunity for our pupils. We hope that they have an enjoyable and inspirational afternoon!


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