Easter School 2015

Our Easter School programme of revision classes will again take place during this year’s Easter Break.  Classes in subjects will be offered for duration of 3 hours either in the morning or afternoon, the aim being to provide young people with the opportunity to receive extended support and tuition from our staff.

Pupils have already been issued with the schedules attached here and are in the process of returning their forms.  Pupils are requested to identify which classes they wish to attend and this, in turn, will allow parents to calculate the cost of their child’s participation and to make the appropriate payment. When payment is made you will receive confirmation including a reference number. This unique number should be added to the schedule prior this being returned to the school.

Completed schedules should be returned to the school office as soon as possible and certainly by close of school on Friday 13th March.  (N.B. Forms submitted after this date may not be processed.) Expressions of interest will be collated and subject lists will be displayed indicating the classes which pupils should attend.

Please use the ‘Payments4Schools’ link in the ‘Parents’ section of the page on the right hand side of our website. I am available at the school if you require further information.

A copy of the Easter School form can be accessed by clicking on the links below:

S4 Easter School

S5/6 Easter School


Neil Macdonald

Depute Head Teacher

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