S4 Prelims

S4 Prelims begin on Monday 19 January. All pupils should now be familiar with the Prelim Timetable.

Good luck to all of our S4 pupils.

Examination Prayer

by Bishop Stephen McGill

Dear Lord, please help me in my examinations.

Help me to face them with courage,

steady in nerves and keen in mind.

Please help me to grasp fully

the questions that are asked,

to remember all that I have studied,

to express my answers accurately

and with the completeness desired.

Grant me dear Lord, a due sense of timing,

and let me not waste precious minutes in

useless asides and unwanted digressions.

Before I hand in my papers,

Give me the wisdom

to examine what I have written,

and the alertness of mind to detect

and correct any mistakes I may have made.

Lord grant me success

if success is good for me.

But I know that you know what is best for me.

With loving trust therefore I say,

“Whatever the results,

blessed be Your holy will.”

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