Equestrian Club Christmas Competition

On Tuesday 16th December the Equestrian Club held its Christmas Event at Hazelden Equestrian Centre in Mearnskirk. Fourteen pupils from S1 to S5 enjoyed a fun afternoon of games and competitions. Most of those attending are ‘regular’ members who attend riding lessons at Hazelden on a fortnightly basis, but they were joined by a number of other pupils, some of whom compete on a regular basis. The team games were very evenly matched but honours in the ‘Handy pony’ competition – an obstacle course which included negotiating cones and a jump, walking along a beam while leading the pony, then getting back on on the ‘wrong’ side (a lot harder than you would think!) – went to Ellie McParland (S3). Hannah Speirs (S1) was second, Beth McGurren (S3) was third and Zoha Alikhan (S2) was fourth. The other pupils who took part were Hannah McGurren (S5), Katy Dexter, Jennifer Valente, Azraa Abdulai , Cormac O’Hara, Caitlin Caulfield, Jemma Ure (all S2) and Liam Harvey,  Aanya Carruth and Katie McManus (all S1). Everyone went home bedecked in rosettes and looking forward to competing for more at the next end of term event! Caitlin McCusker (S3) was awarded a special rosette for being the most improved rider since August – well done Caitlin.

More photos from the event can be viewed here.

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