Mrs. Catherine Boyd

Dear Parents

It is with great sadness that I wish to inform you of the death of Mrs. Catherine Boyd.

Mrs. Boyd had been ill for a number of months and died on Saturday, 13th December.

In her vocation as a teacher she used her talents to offer generous service to our school community through the teaching of English and as Principal Teacher of Pastoral Support.

Throughout her 20 years of dedication to our school community she was a highly conscientious teacher who cared deeply for all of her pupils. 

In a letter to the school in October she expressed how much the school meant to her and the pride she took in the success of our young people.

She was a regular communicant at morning Mass and expressed her faith through her commitment to the education of all young people, and support for colleagues and parents.

Through her example she had a deep influence on the development of her pupils reflected in the patience , kindness and generosity of time she offered to pupils and their parents.

She always saw the best in each pupil and treated all with respect and dignity.

Please remember Mrs. Boyd in your prayers and also her son, Gerry, a Captain in the Armed Forces.

 We will remember Cathy at the morning Mass each day this week.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon her.

May she rest in peace. Amen.

John Docherty

Head Teacher

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