Buddy Reading Scheme

Christmas came early this week for our S1 pupils involved in the buddy reading scheme. Little did they know that Santa was to appear in the guise of their Senior reading buddy who, along with the librarian, Mrs. Baird, have been plotting for weeks to get just the right type of books, in the right type of wrapping, in the right hands.

Over 80 pupils in S1 and S6 are involved in the extremely successful scheme which sees pupils being supported with their reading skills. So, what better present to give them than not one but two books for them to keep specially chosen by their buddy.

The hardest thing of all was trying to keep the whole thing a secret for so long.

Well done to all our readers in S1 and S6 and we hope that you enjoy your books!

Merry  reading Christmas.

Mrs Baird (Librarian)

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