Diana Awards

The Diana Award was set up in 1999 to act as a lasting legacy to Diana Princess of Wales to recognise inspirational and socially motivated young people.  There are 5 different categories that our pupils (individuals or groups) can be nominated in. These are:

 Diana Anti-Bullying Champion

For young people who tackle bullying in schools and communities.

 Diana Active Campaigner

For young people who run campaigns in their schools and communities.

 Diana Champion Fundraiser

For young people who raise money for good causes.

 Diana Champion Volunteer

For young people who give their time to improve the lives of others.

 Diana Courageous Citizen (individuals only)

For a young person whose courageous approach to life has made a direct impact on the lives of others.

In 2014, Diana Awards were successfully gained by two individuals (David Martin and Cormac O’Hara) and three groups (Life Group, Caritas Group and S6 Health and Wellbeing Group) from our school community. This is a tremendous achievement for the young people involved and a fantastic recognition of all the hard work and time they have spent helping others.

Representatives from each group and the individul winners were presented with their Diana Awards at assembly on Tuesday afternoon.

Photographs can be viewed here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/112203407@N03/sets/72157649084657486/

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