The Wayside Club

One of the clubs mentioned in the Extra-Curricular Programme for this year is The Wayside Club. Below is some information about the work of the club and how to get involved.

A number of S6 pupils have volunteered to help on a rota basis in The Wayside Club, Glasgow. This centre was established to meet the needs of the homeless and those suffering from hardship which relies on volunteers and donations to run. The 90 pupils who have volunteered will be helping the homeless by preparing sandwiches and serving soup on alternate Friday evenings. Supervising staff will meet pupils in Central Station at 6:45pm and accompany pupils to the centre until 8:45pm. The group each fortnight consists of 2 teachers and 4 senior pupils. 

Many thanks to all who volunteered last year. Members of staff involved in the rota were asked to commit one Friday per term to the Wayside Club. If any members of staff or pupils would like to become involved with this rota please see Miss McLuskey.

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